Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Nature and Scope of Business Communication

= > Nature of Communication :
1.          It is a process
2.          It is inevitable
3.          Meaning based
4.          Communication could be intentional and unintentional
5.          Communication is systematic
6.          A two-way traffic
7.          Communication is social process
8.          A dynamic process
9.          Continuous process
10.      Communication involves interaction and transaction

= > Classification of Communication :
Communication is classified according to the number of persons (receivers) to whom the message is addressed :
1.          Intrapersonal communication
2.          Interpersonal communication
3.          Group communication
4.          Mass communication

            Communication can also be classified on the basis of the medium employed :

1.          Verbal communication
2.          Non-verbal communication
3.          Meta communication

= > Process of Communication
The process of communication involves two or more persons participating through a medium that carries the information or message for a particular purpose which is mutually understood by both the sender and receiver. Only when these condition are fulfilled, a significant communicative situation will take shape.
Elements of communication process:
For the communication process to materialize, it is essential that the basic elements of communication be identified. These elements are:
1.          Sender/Encoder/Speaker
2.          Receiver/Decoder/Listener
3.          Message
4.          Medium
5.          Feedback