Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Golden Sheep

Story Telling about Myth of Greek

Once upon a time there is a king in Orkhomenos city named Athamas. He has a wife, goddess cloud called Nefele. He and Nefele had two children, Friksos, and his sister Helle. After a long time marriage, King Athamas was felt bored with his current wife.

King Athamas   : My dear, after all this time we were married and I was as a king, I think I could have more wife besides you.

Nefele               : Oh, Your Majesty. I was very sad to hear what you say. Why do you have a mind to marry again ? Is not our relationship okay ?

King Athamas  : True, but I’ve fallen in love with another woman. I hope you can permit me to marry with her, dear..

Nefele              : I’m not willing to you belong to someone else !! (Go left her husband)

Several weeks later, King Athamas returned to the palace with his new wife, named Ino. And he also introduce her to Nefele.

King Athamas  : Honey, can we talk ?

Nefele              : Certainly, You Highness.

Nefele also saw Ino who was standing behind King Athamas.

Nefele              : Who is she, Your Majesty ? (With curiosity)

King Athamas  : Honey, she is my new wife, named Ino. She will stay in this castle with us.

Nefele              : WHAT !!! You get married again ? I’m not giving you permission to marry again. Because you betrayed our love, I will curse this city !!

His wife was annoyed at him and immediately left the city and bring in a severe drought for the city. Meanwhile, Ino harbored jealousy on Friksos, because he wil be the heir to the throne Orkhomenos Kingdom. Finally Ino deceive King Athamas, by saying that this drought could only be stopped by offering Friksos’s soul to god.

Ino                        : My dear, your queen is not messing around with her curse. And I think this kingdom will feel a long drought. But, I know how to stop it. You must presenting Friksos’s soul to God.

Athamas               : But, Friksos in my only boy. He is also the heir to the throne. I can’t give my son to the God.

Ino                       : Yes, I know. But, this is the best way to save all the people and save your kingdom, Your Highness.

King Athamas       : Mmm… (Speechless)

Ino                       : Ok, maybe you can consider it, I will give you a time to be alone. (Exit the room and leaving King Athamas)

King Athamas felt confused to take a decision because on the other hand he has to save his kingdom from prolonged drought, on the other hand he must sacrifice his son for God. Nefele who secretly know it, immediately asked for help from Hermes to rescue her children from the evil influence of Ino.

Nefele                : Hermes, can you help me ?

Hermes               : Of course, Your Highness.

Nefele              : It’s about a new wife of King Athamas, named Ino. She already to affect my husband to present Friksos’s soul to God.

Hermes           : How can that be ? Friksos is a boy who will inherit the throne of the Orkhomenos Kingdom.

Nefele              : I don’t know. Please help me ?

Hermes            : Ok, I will help you. I will send you a Golden Sheep to bring your children go far away from the Kingdom. It will take them to a Kolkhis City.

Nefele              : What place is that ?

Hermes            : The place is a very save place for them at this time. Let me show you to a Golden Sheep.

Hermes helped to bring a lamb winged, and hairy gold to Queen Nefele. Nefele sent her two children to ride the sheep.

Nefele                 : Friksos… Helle… Come here !!

Friksos & Helle   : Yes, Mom..

Friksos                : What is this, Mom ?

Nefele                 : This is a Golden Sheep. I want you both to ride this Golden Sheep.

Helle                   : The sheep will take us where, Mom ?

Nefele              : Go to a city that a safe place for you, so that Ino can’t harm you. Keep yourself there well.  Now, go hurry,,hurry,,hurry.. Take care my children, take care…

Friksos & Helle   : Good bye, Mom.

Friksos and Helle ride the Golden Sheep and they immediately left the Orkhomenos City. Along the way, Friksos, Helle, and the Golden Sheep find a high winds.

Helle                : Friksos, Watch out the winds in front of you !!

Friksos             : Hold me strong, Helle!!

Helle                : I’m trying, but the wind is very strong. (Shouting half)

They avoid the wind, the Golden Sheep was losing his balance and Helle fell into the sea.

Helle                : Friksos.. My hands are slippery.. I was not strong to hold my weight that shoved the high wind. Help me…

Friksos             : Helleeeeeeeee….

Helle                : Heelllppp… (Fell into the sea)

Friksos             : I’m sorry, I can’t help you, Helle.

Friksos look for Helle at the sea, but Friksos disadvantaged for not finding his sister who drowned at the sea and a place Helle fell called Sea of Helle. Friksos was sad, but he and the sheep immediately resume their journey. The sheep finally land Friksos in a city, called Kolkhis City.

Friksos            : Where are we sheep? What this city is? We are in the Kolkhis City, a kingdom led by King, named King Kolkhis. We must find a way to go to the palace, maybe there we will get help.

Friksos walk down town, then they came to the palace. There they In the Kolkhis City, Friksos treated by Aites, the daughter of King Kolkhis.

King Kolkhis   : Welcome to my kingdom, Friksos and the Golden Sheep. I’m the King Kolkhis and she is my daughter, Aites.

Friksos             : Greetings, Your Majesty.

King Kolkhis   : What made you come here ?

Friksos             : My kingdom is in trouble, because it was my mother sent me and my sister to come here with the Golden Sheep.

Aites                : Then, where your sister ?

Friksos             : On the way, my sister fell into the sea because the strong winds at the time.

Aites                : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

King Kolkhis  : I think you’re very tired, stay here till problems in your kingdom completed. Let my daughter show you to the bedroom.

Aites                : Alright. I wish you are glad to stay in this palace, and over here I will take care of you and your Golden Sheep. And now, I will show your bedroom, come follow me.

Aites usher Friksos and the Golden Sheep  to resting place of each. After 3 months have passed Friksos living in the Kolkhis Kingdom. King Kolkhis plans to Aites married with Friksos.

King Kolkhis   : Friksos, seeing as you have been living here, and already knew more close Aites. How if I marry you to my daughter, Aites ?

Aites                : Dad ? Are you serious ?

King Kolkhis   : Yes, my daughter.

Aites                : And,,Do you ?

Friksos             : Hmm, I will fulfill your request, Your Highness.

King Kolkhis    :

Friksos & Aites  : Thank you, Your Highness.

Finally, Friksos and Aites were married. Several weeks later, Friksos told by Aites about the origin of his Golden Sheep.

Aites                : Honey, do you know about the origin of your Golden Sheep ?

Friksos             : Until now I don’t know yet, I just know that my mom borrowed the sheep from Hermes.

Aites                : I heard from my father, that the Golden Sheep belongs to Poseidon that borrowed by Hermes to help you and your sister come to my kingdom.

Friksos             : Really ?

Aites                : Of course, and what will you do with the Golden Sheep ?

Friksos             : Looks like it will I slaughter sheep to dedicate to its owner, Poseidon. And because this Golden Sheep, then I will present to you and your father as my gratitude.

Aites                : Ok, let’s go.

Friksos eventually slaughter sheep and offered it to Poseidon. He then handed the fleece to the King Kolkhis and Aites as a thank you. 

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