Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Speech - The Youth Pledge Day

Made by my beloved father and I

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, the honorable Jury, the lectures, and for all participants. Let’s extend our prayers to Allah SWT the One and the Almighty, so we are always given the salvation in the world and the hereafter ... Aamiin.

For the first time, I am standing here to present my speech about The Youth Pledge.

As a great nation, Indonesia of course. We have a historical day that we have celebrated it every years. We have Sumpah Pemuda, Youth Pledge in English, it is the day that celebrated on October 28 ............ On October 1928, the young people from various region in Indonesia, they joined in the congress in Jakarta to declare The Youth Pledge that we proclamed three ideas, namely ...

·   We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland. Motherland of Indonesia       
·   We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, Nation of Indonesia                       
·   We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect one language, language of Indonesia

By The Youth Pledge, young generation could be given the power physically and mentality in carrying to reach prosperous nation with dignity. By The Youth Pledge, young people have a strong power for the Independence day of Indonesia. By The Youth Pledge, young people have a spirit Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Various in Unity from Sabang to Merauke.

As we know that, our nation has many many language in every region, so that we need unity in communication. From Sabang to Merauke, we are united by Indonesian Language...

Then ... how is it with English language? ... Where is position English language in Indonesia? ... Well,, English in Indonesia is in second language after Indonesian Language ...

English is an International language, which every nation use this language for connecting people between one nation to nation, or from people to another people, both in communication and correspondence, both in government and in the academic in the university.

The Youth Pledge is a spirit of struggle of Indonesian people, could be made as an improvement in learning the international language, namely English language. And we can speak that Indonesian language is our language and English language is our language too. So we maybe use both languages as communication in every moments when it is needed.

The Youth Pledge ... is ours. The Youth Pledge is a promise ... promise to ourselves ... where we always remember all the time to our promise ... one motherland, one nation, one language.
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is based unity of Indonesia. “Various in Unity”.

Talking about Sumpah Pemuda or The Youth Pledge? It will arise some question, Are we include in the such Pledge? even though we are alive at present, not in the past time when The Youth Pledge declared ... Yes, we are include inside automatically. We are the generation of young people of Indonesia, move from generation to generation estafetely.

The Youth Pledge is an authentic evidence of the Indonesia’s birth. So, Indonesia wasn’t born when the Independence declared on August 17th 1945, instead of the day when Youth Pledge had been made on October 28th  1928. The cause of the Indonesia’s birth is because the youths wanted to be free from the colonialism of Dutch.

In the history, The Youth Pledge was declared 86 years ago but the spirit of the struggle never disappear up to present day.  The Youth Pledge is spirit of Indonesian people all the time.

Therefore, to aspire to become one nation, Indonesian people did not need to be of the same race, religion, culture or language. what was required was the will of the people form one nation, together, based on common sufferings experienced during a long period in history. Thus, the youth pledge was a social contract pledged by ethnic groups inhabiting Indonesia, and embracing various religions, who expressed the wish to become united in one nation, based on the fact that day had commonly suffered through centuries under the yoke of dutch colonialism.

The young generation is the back bone of the nation in the future, so we maybe say that the development of Indonesia depends on the young generation. If the young generation is good so is good for nation, but if no good of the young generation, so is bad of the nation. So we have to say  NO WAY FOR DRUG, because the drug is an enemy of the nation, for whoever, wherever and whenever ... And it will destroy the life of the nation, from generation to next generation. So we must care to our country to hide the forbidden things that it will make us to do something out of control. And now we have to say Bravo Young Generation, Bravo The Youth Pledge, Bravo Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Bravo Indonesia